GSMA CEO: AI development should not create winners and losers video poster

GSMA CEO: AI Should Be Fair for Everyone!

Hey there! Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence (AI) affects our lives? πŸ€– During the World Internet Conference, John Hoffman, the CEO of GSMA, shared some important thoughts about AI!

He believes that AI should be fair and ethical. But what does that mean?

John Hoffman said, “We cannot have winners and losers in the AI game.” πŸ†

This means he wants AI to help everyone, not just a few people. It’s like playing a game where everyone gets to have fun, and no one is left out!

GSMA, the group he leads, believes in “AI for good.” They think that AI should be used to make the world a better place for all of us.

So, what do you think? Should AI be fair to everyone? Let us know! πŸ€”

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