Hey there, friends! 🐘 Did you know that Sri Lanka is home to some amazing wild elephants? Sadly, around 50 of these gentle giants have been hurt this year because of illegal electric fences and wires. 😢
These electric fences are not allowed, but some people still use them. Elephants might accidentally touch these fences when they’re looking for food or water. That’s so dangerous for them!
The Ceylon Electricity Board (that’s like the big electricity team in Sri Lanka) is working hard to stop this. They’re asking everyone to help protect the elephants. 🛠️🌳
Why should we care? Well, elephants are super important! They help keep the forests healthy by spreading seeds and making paths that other animals use. Plus, they’re really cool! 🌟
What can we do to help?
- Learn more about elephants and why they’re special.
- Tell your friends and family about what’s happening.
- Support groups that are working to protect wildlife.
Together, we can make a difference and keep these wonderful animals safe! Let’s spread the word and show some love for elephants! 🐘❤️
Around 50 wild elephants electrocuted this year in Sri Lanka