Former Chinese Vice FM Fu Ying speaks at MSC panel discussion

Former Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying Speaks at Global Security Conference 🌍

Hey there! πŸ‘‹ Ever wondered how countries work together to keep the world peaceful? Well, a big meeting called the Munich Security Conference just happened, and it’s all about that! 🌐

On Saturday, Former Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying joined a panel called “Making Waves: Maritime Tensions in the Indo-Pacific.” That’s a fancy way of talking about how countries can get along in the oceans near Asia and the Pacific. 🌊🚒

The Munich Security Conference is like a giant meetup where leaders and experts chat about important global issues. This year was the 61st time they’ve gathered! πŸŽ‰ They talk about things like peace, safety, and how everyone can work together better.

With so many changes happening around the world, it’s super important for countries to have these conversations. Leaders like Fu Ying help make sure everyone gets a chance to share ideas and find solutions. 🀝

Isn’t it cool to see people from all over the world teaming up to make the future brighter? Maybe someday you’ll be part of these big conversations too! 🌟

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