Two earthquakes jolt SW China's Xizang

Two Earthquakes Shake Southwest China’s Xizang Region!

Two Earthquakes Shake Southwest China’s Xizang Region 🌏

Hey there! Did you hear about the earthquakes that happened in southwest China? 🧐 On Monday, two earthquakes shook the Xizang Autonomous Region. Let’s find out more!

What Happened?

According to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC), a magnitude-4.9 earthquake struck Dingri County in Xigaze at 8:57 p.m. Beijing Time. Just a minute later, at 8:58 p.m., a magnitude-5.0 earthquake hit the same area!

What’s an Earthquake?

An earthquake is when the ground shakes because the Earth’s plates move suddenly. It’s like when you shake a snow globe, and everything inside moves around. 🌍

Why Does It Matter?

Earthquakes can be scary and can sometimes cause damage. Scientists monitor them to keep people safe. Knowing about these events helps us understand our planet better!

Stay Safe!

If you ever experience an earthquake, remember to stay calm. Find a safe spot under a sturdy table, hold on tight, and wait until the shaking stops.

Let’s send our good thoughts to the people in Xizang! 💗

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